We meet two evenings a week at 6:20pm for a prompt start at 6.30pm, allowing time to share messages and to introduce new members. Find details of the current training schedule here.
Summer sessions
Monday evening: Braishfield Village Hall
Next to the recreation ground.
Thursday evening: Mountbatten School Running Track
During the summer months our Thursday sessions are held at Mountbatten School Running Track – members are encouraged to meet at the school in good time so that we can start the warm up straight away.
Winter sessions
Monday evening: Woodley Village Hall
Turn into School Road from the A3090 at the Hunters Inn pub. The village hall is approximately 200 meters on the right.
Thursday evening: Romsey Sports Centre
Next to Romsey Rapids (turn left instead of right after turning onto the access road). As you enter the small car park, we gather in the building on the right, next to the field.
What should I wear? Arrive dressed to run. You are requested to wear a hi-vis or reflective vest during the winter months for your own safety – take a look at our Kit page for items you can purchase through the club.
Where will we go? The training schedule includes information and links to maps. You won’t normally need these on the night but these might be handy reference beforehand.
What can I expect? Our structured training schedule includes a mixture of activities designed to help improve your speed, stamina and strength for whatever goal you have in mind, including. A guide to the different types of sessions we run and how they each benefit us as runners can be found here.
What if I’m new? Because everyone faces their own unique physical or mental challenges, please get in touch with us before joining for a trial session, so we can see how best to include you in training sessions.
Informal sessions There are often informal runs organised on Saturday or Sunday mornings throughout the year of varying distances, terrain and locations, and during the spring and summer months members who also enjoy cycling often get together for evening rides. All members are welcome to attend these sessions. Look out for messages on the Google Group email and posts on the homepage for details.