Daily archives: December 2, 2014

1 post

Urgent Message from the Chairman

As you know we usually have two London Marathon places each year. The number of places is based on the number of members the club has. More than 50 members entitles us to two places. Unfortunately we didn’t realise it was the number of people affiilated to England Athletics rather than the number of members in the club that counts towards the number used when allocating marathon places. Due to the EA membership price rising to £10 we have seen those opting in to affiliating with EA drop from nearly all members to only 39 this year. This has put us in the awkward position of only having one marathon place after having drawn for two places at the AGM.

The RRR committee met last night and decided that we would appeal to club members to see if anyone would voluntarily agree to sign up to England Athletics and pay the £10. We need 11 members willing to join, and we need to do it before the 5th December(Webmaster’s note. For those joining, the affiliation would run to 31st March 2015)

If you haven’t affiliated and would be willing to do so within the next two days please email me at chairman@romseyroadrunners.co.uk.